Locus coeruleus norepinephrine contributes to visual-spatial attention by selectively enhancing perceptual sensitivity
Ghosh S, Maunsell JHR. (2024) Locus coeruleus norepinephrine selectively controls visual attention. Neuron 112:2231-2240; doi: 38701788
Stimulus-dependent difference in cortical versus subcortical contributions to visual detection in mice
Cone, JJ, Mitchell, AO, Parker, RK, Maunsell, JHR (2024) Stimulus-dependent difference in cortical versus subcortical contributions to visual detection in mice. Current Biology 34:1-13 doi:https:/ 38640924
Normalization in mouse primary visual cortex
Zayyad, Z, Maunsell, JHR, MacLean, JN (2023) Normalization in mouse primary visual cortex. PLoS One. 18:e0295140. PMID: 38109430
Rodent attention: Probing the mouse mind with reverse correlation
Ghosh S, Maunsell JHR. (2023) Current Biology 33:916-918. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.07.015. PMID: 37699352
Increments in visual motion coherence are more readily detected than decrements
Wei, L., Mitchell AO, Maunsell JHR. (2023) Increments in visual motion coherence are more readily detected than decrements Journal of Vision 23(5):18, 1-9; doi: PMID: 37223942
Single trial neuronal activity dynamics of attentional intensity in monkey visual area V4
Ghosh S, Maunsell JHR. (2023) Single trial neuronal activity dynamics of attentional intensity in monkey visual area V4. Nature Communications 2021 03 31; 12(1):2003.
Neuronal correlates of selective attention and effort in visual area V4 are invariant of motivational context
Ghosh S, Maunsell JHR. (2022) Neuronal correlates of selective attention and effort in visual area V4 are invariant of motivational context. Science Advances 8(23):eabc8812. PMID:35687684.
Perceptual Weighting of V1 Spikes Revealed by Optogenetic White Noise Stimulation
Day-Cooney J, Cone JJ, Maunsell JHR. (2022) Perceptual weighting of V1 spikes revealed by optogenetic white noise stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience 04 13; 42(15):3122-3132. PMID:35232760.
An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics
Tremblay S, Acker L, Afraz A, Albaugh DL, Amita H, Andrei AR, Angelucci A, Aschner A, Balan PF, Basso MA, Benvenuti G, Bohlen MO, Caiola MJ, Calcedo R, Cavanaugh J, Chen Y, Chen S, Chernov MM, Clark AM, Dai J, Debes SR, Deisseroth K, Desimone R, Dragoi V, Egger SW, Eldridge MAG, El-Nahal HG, Fabbrini F, Federer F, Fetsch CR, Fortuna MG, Friedman RM, Fujii N, Gail A, Galvan A, Ghosh S, Gieselmann MA, Gulli RA, Hikosaka O, Hosseini EA, Hu X, Hüer J, Inoue KI, Janz R, Jazayeri M, Jiang R, Ju N, Kar K, Klein C, Kohn A, Komatsu M, Maeda K, Martinez-Trujillo JC, Matsumoto M, Maunsell JHR, Mendoza-Halliday D, Monosov IE, Muers RS, Nurminen L, Ortiz-Rios M, O'Shea DJ, Palfi S, Petkov CI, Pojoga S, Rajalingham R, Ramakrishnan C, Remington ED, Revsine C, Roe AW, Sabes PN, Saunders RC, Scherberger H, Schmid MC, Schultz W, Seidemann E, Senova YS, Shadlen MN, Sheinberg DL, Siu C, Smith Y, Solomon SS, Sommer MA, Spudich JL, Stauffer WR, Takada M, Tang S, Thiele A, Treue S, Vanduffel W, Vogels R, Whitmire MP, Wichmann T, Wurtz RH, Xu H, Yazdan-Shahmorad A, Shenoy KV, DiCarlo JJ, Platt ML. An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics. Neuron 2020 12 23; 108(6):1075-1090.e6. PMID:33080229
Mice Preferentially Use Increases in Cerebral Cortex Spiking to Detect Changes in Visual Stimuli
Cone JJ, Bade ML, Masse NY, Page EA, Freedman DJ, Maunsell JHR Mice Preferentially Use Increases in Cerebral Cortex Spiking to Detect Changes in Visual Stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience 2020 Oct 07; 40(41):7902-7920. PMID:32917791
The Mind of a Mouse
Abbott LF, Bock DD, Callaway EM, Denk W, Dulac C, Fairhall AL, Fiete I, Harris KM, Helmstaedter M, Jain V, Kasthuri N, LeCun Y, Lichtman JW, Littlewood PB, Luo L, Maunsell JHR, Reid RC, Rosen BR, Rubin GM, Sejnowski TJ, Seung HS, Svoboda K, Tank DW, Tsao D, Van Essen DC The Mind of a Mouse. Cell 2020 Sep 17; 182(6):1372-1376. PMID:32946777
The Correlation of Neuronal Signals with Behavior at Different Levels of Visual Cortex and Their Relative Reliability for Behavioral Decisions
Kang I, Maunsell JHR. The Correlation of Neuronal Signals with Behavior at Different Levels of Visual Cortex and Their Relative Reliability for Behavioral Decisions. Journal of Neuroscience 2020 May 06; 40(19):3751-3767. PMID:32273483.
Attention can be subdivided into neurobiological components corresponding to distinct behavioral effects
Luo TZ, Maunsell JHR. Attention can be subdivided into neurobiological components corresponding to distinct behavioral effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 2019 Dec 23. PMID:31871179
Neuronal Effects of Spatial and Feature Attention Differ Due to Normalization
Ni AM, Maunsell JHR. Neuronal Effects of Spatial and Feature Attention Differ Due to Normalization. Journal of Neuroscience 2019 Jul 10; 39(28):5493-5505. PMID:31068439.
Attentional Changes in Either Criterion or Sensitivity Are Associated with Robust Modulations in Lateral Prefrontal Cortex
Luo TZ, Maunsell JHR. Attentional Changes in Either Criterion or Sensitivity Are Associated with Robust Modulations in Lateral Prefrontal Cortex. Neuron 2018 03 21; 97(6):1382-1393.e7. PMID:29503191.
Electrical Microstimulation of Visual Cerebral Cortex Elevates Psychophysical Detection Thresholds.
Cone JJ, Ni AM, Ghose K, Maunsell JHR. Electrical Microstimulation of Visual Cerebral Cortex Elevates Psychophysical Detection Thresholds. eNeuro 2018 Sep-Oct; 5(5). PMID:30406199.
Different Inhibitory Interneuron Cell Classes Make Distinct Contributions to Visual Contrast Perception.
Cone JJ, Scantlen MD, Histed MH, Maunsell JHR. Different Inhibitory Interneuron Cell Classes Make Distinct Contributions to Visual Contrast Perception. eNeuro 2019 Jan-Feb; 6(1). PMID:30868104.
Spatially tuned normalization explains attention modulation variance within neurons.
Ni AM, Maunsell JHR. Spatially tuned normalization explains attention modulation variance within neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 2017 09 01; 118(3):1903-1913. PMID:28701536.
Attention-related changes in correlated neuronal activity arise from normalization mechanisms.
Verhoef BE, Maunsell JHR. Attention-related changes in correlated neuronal activity arise from normalization mechanisms. Nature Neuroscience 2017 Jul; 20(7):969-977. PMID:28553943.
Attention operates uniformly throughout the classical receptive field and the surround.
Verhoef BE, Maunsell JHR. Attention operates uniformly throughout the classical receptive field and the surround. eLife 2016 08 22; 5. PMID:27547989.
Graded Neuronal Modulations Related to Visual Spatial Attention.
Mayo JP, Maunsell JHR. Graded Neuronal Modulations Related to Visual Spatial Attention. Journal of Neuroscience 2016 05 11; 36(19):5353-61. PMID:27170131.
Neuronal Mechanisms of Visual Attention.
Maunsell JHR. Neuronal Mechanisms of Visual Attention. Annual Review of Vision Science 2015 Nov 24; 1:373-391. PMID:28532368.
A Refined Neuronal Population Measure of Visual Attention.
Mayo JP, Cohen MR, Maunsell JHR. A Refined Neuronal Population Measure of Visual Attention. PLoS One 2015; 10(8):e0136570. PMID:26296083.
Neuronal Modulations in Visual Cortex Are Associated with Only One of Multiple Components of Attention.
Luo TZ, Maunsell JHR. Neuronal Modulations in Visual Cortex Are Associated with Only One of Multiple Components of Attention. Neuron 2015 Jun 03; 86(5):1182-8. PMID:26050038.
Do gamma oscillations play a role in cerebral cortex?
Ray S, Maunsell JHR. Do gamma oscillations play a role in cerebral cortex? Trends in Cognitive Science 2015 Feb; 19(2):78-85. PMID:25555444.
Unique identifiers for authors.
Maunsell JHR. Unique identifiers for authors. Journal of Neuroscience 2014 May 21; 34(21):7043. PMID:24849339.
Cortical neural populations can guide behavior by integrating inputs linearly, independent of synchrony.
Histed MH, Maunsell JHR. Cortical neural populations can guide behavior by integrating inputs linearly, independent of synchrony. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 2014 Jan 07; 111(1):E178-87. PMID:24367105.
Mouse primary visual cortex is used to detect both orientation and contrast changes.
Glickfeld LL, Histed MH, Maunsell JHR. Mouse primary visual cortex is used to detect both orientation and contrast changes. Journal of Neuroscience 2013 Dec 11; 33(50):19416-22. PMID:24336708.
Strength of gamma rhythm depends on normalization.
Ray S, Ni AM, Maunsell JHR. Strength of gamma rhythm depends on normalization. PLoS Biology 2013; 11(2):e1001477. PMID:23393427.
A strong constraint to the joint processing of pairs of cortical signals.
Ghose K, Maunsell JHR. A strong constraint to the joint processing of pairs of cortical signals. Journal of Neuroscience 2012 Nov 07; 32(45):15922-33. PMID:23136430.
Potential confounds in estimating trial-to-trial correlations between neuronal response and behavior using choice probabilities.
Kang I, Maunsell JHR. Potential confounds in estimating trial-to-trial correlations between neuronal response and behavior using choice probabilities. Journal of Neurophysiology 2012 Dec; 108(12):3403-15. PMID:22993262.
Tuned normalization explains the size of attention modulations.
Ni AM, Ray S, Maunsell JHR. Tuned normalization explains the size of attention modulations. Neuron 2012 Feb 23; 73(4):803-13. PMID:22365552.
Insights into cortical mechanisms of behavior from microstimulation experiments.
Histed MH, Ni AM, Maunsell JHR. Insights into cortical mechanisms of behavior from microstimulation experiments. Progress in Neurobiology 2013 Apr; 103:115-30. PMID:22307059.
Nine criteria for a measure of scientific output.
Kreiman G, Maunsell JHR. Nine criteria for a measure of scientific output. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2011; 5:48. PMID:22102840.
Psychophysical measurement of contrast sensitivity in the behaving mouse.
Histed MH, Carvalho LA, Maunsell JHR. Psychophysical measurement of contrast sensitivity in the behaving mouse. Journal of Neurophysiology 2012 Feb; 107(3):758-65. PMID:22049334.
When attention wanders: how uncontrolled fluctuations in attention affect performance.
Cohen MR, Maunsell JHR. When attention wanders: how uncontrolled fluctuations in attention affect performance. Journal of Neuroscience 2011 Nov 02; 31(44):15802-6. PMID:22049423.
Network rhythms influence the relationship between spike-triggered local field potential and functional connectivity.
Ray S, Maunsell JHR. Network rhythms influence the relationship between spike-triggered local field potential and functional connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience 2011 Aug 31; 31(35):12674-82. PMID:21880928.
Effects of stimulus direction on the correlation between behavior and single units in area MT during a motion detection task.
Bosking WH, Maunsell JHR. Effects of stimulus direction on the correlation between behavior and single units in area MT during a motion detection task. Journal of Neuroscience 2011 Jun 01; 31(22):8230-8. PMID:21632944.
Using neuronal populations to study the mechanisms underlying spatial and feature attention.
Cohen MR, Maunsell JHR. Using neuronal populations to study the mechanisms underlying spatial and feature attention. Neuron 2011 Jun 23; 70(6):1192-204. PMID:21689604.
Different origins of gamma rhythm and high-gamma activity in macaque visual cortex.
Ray S, Maunsell JHR. Different origins of gamma rhythm and high-gamma activity in macaque visual cortex. PLoS Biol. 2011 Apr; 9(4):e1000610. PMID:21532743.
A neuronal population measure of attention predicts behavioral performance on individual trials.
Cohen MR, Maunsell JHR. A neuronal population measure of attention predicts behavioral performance on individual trials. Journal of Neuroscience 2010 Nov 10; 30(45):15241-53. PMID:21068329.
Differences in gamma frequencies across visual cortex restrict their possible use in computation.
Ray S, Maunsell JHR. Differences in gamma frequencies across visual cortex restrict their possible use in computation. Neuron 2010 Sep 09; 67(5):885-96. PMID:20826318.
New feature: Disease Focus.
Maunsell J. New feature: Disease Focus. Journal of Neuroscience 2010 Jul 28; 30(30):9957. PMID:20668178.
The effect of attention on neuronal responses to high and low contrast stimuli.
Lee J, Maunsell JHR. The effect of attention on neuronal responses to high and low contrast stimuli. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010 Aug; 104(2):960-71. PMID:20538780.
Microstimulation reveals limits in detecting different signals from a local cortical region.
Ni AM, Maunsell JHR. Microstimulation reveals limits in detecting different signals from a local cortical region. Current Biology 2010 May 11; 20(9):824-8. PMID:20381351.
Attentional modulation of MT neurons with single or multiple stimuli in their receptive fields.
Lee J, Maunsell JHR. Attentional modulation of MT neurons with single or multiple stimuli in their receptive fields. Journal of Neuroscience 2010 Feb 24; 30(8):3058-66. PMID:20181602.
Attention improves performance primarily by reducing interneuronal correlations.
Cohen MR, Maunsell JHR. Attention improves performance primarily by reducing interneuronal correlations. Nature Neuroscience 2009 Dec; 12(12):1594-600. PMID:19915566.
The Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium.
Maunsell JHR. Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium. Journal of Neuroscience.2008 28:787. PMCID:PMC6670995.
Computer-controlled electrical stimulation for quantitative mapping of human cortical function.
Dulay MF, Murphey DK, Sun P, David YB, Maunsell JH, Beauchamp MS, Yoshor D. Computer-controlled electrical stimulation for quantitative mapping of human cortical function. Journal of Neurosurgery 2009 Jun; 110(6):1300-3. PMID:19061348.
Perceiving electrical stimulation of identified human visual areas.
Murphey DK, Maunsell JH, Beauchamp MS, Yoshor D. Perceiving electrical stimulation of identified human visual areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 2009 Mar 31; 106(13):5389-93. PMID:19276119.
A normalization model of attentional modulation of single unit responses.
Lee J, Maunsell JHR. A normalization model of attentional modulation of single unit responses. PLoS One 2009; 4(2):e4651. PMID:19247494.
Electrical microstimulation thresholds for behavioral detection and saccades in monkey frontal eye fields.
Murphey DK, Maunsell JHR. Electrical microstimulation thresholds for behavioral detection and saccades in monkey frontal eye fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 2008 May 20; 105(20):7315-20. PMID:18477698.
Spatial summation can explain the attentional modulation of neuronal responses to multiple stimuli in area V4.
Ghose GM, Maunsell JHR. Spatial summation can explain the attentional modulation of neuronal responses to multiple stimuli in area V4. Journal of Neuroscience 2008 May 07; 28(19):5115-26. PMID:18463265.
The NIH Public Access Policy.
Maunsell J. The NIH Public Access Policy. Journal of Neuroscience 2008 Apr 16; 28(16):4109. PMID:18417688.
Local cortical function after uncomplicated subdural electrode implantation. Laboratory investigation.
Yoshor D, Bosking WH, Lega BC, Sun P, Maunsell JHR. Local cortical function after uncomplicated subdural electrode implantation. Laboratory investigation. Journal of Neurosurgery 2008 Jan; 108(1):139-44. PMID:18173323.
Spatial attention does not strongly modulate neuronal responses in early human visual cortex.
Yoshor D, Ghose GM, Bosking WH, Sun P, Maunsell JHR. Spatial attention does not strongly modulate neuronal responses in early human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 2007 Nov 28; 27(48):13205-9. PMID:18045914.
Spatial attention and the latency of neuronal responses in macaque area V4.
Lee J, Williford T, Maunsell JHR. Spatial attention and the latency of neuronal responses in macaque area V4. Journal of Neuroscience 2007 Sep 05; 27(36):9632-7. PMID:17804623.
Behavioral detection of electrical microstimulation in different cortical visual areas.
Murphey DK, Maunsell JHR. Behavioral detection of electrical microstimulation in different cortical visual areas. Current Biology 2007 May 15; 17(10):862-7. PMID:17462895.
Receptive fields in human visual cortex mapped with surface electrodes.
.Yoshor D, Bosking WH, Ghose GM, Maunsell JHR. Receptive fields in human visual cortex mapped with surface electrodes. Cerebral Cortex 2007 Oct; 17(10):2293-302. PMID:17172632.
Effects of task difficulty and target likelihood in area V4 of macaque monkeys.
Boudreau CE, Williford TH, Maunsell JHR. Effects of task difficulty and target likelihood in area V4 of macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology 2006 Nov; 96(5):2377-87. PMID:16855106.
Effects of spatial attention on contrast response functions in macaque area V4.
Williford T, Maunsell JHR. Effects of spatial attention on contrast response functions in macaque area V4. Journal of Neurophysiology 2006 Jul; 96(1):40-54. PMID:16772516.
Feature-based attention in visual cortex.
Maunsell JH, Treue S. Feature-based attention in visual cortex. Trends in Neuroscience 2006 Jun; 29(6):317-22. PMID:16697058.
Motion processing in macaque V4.
Ferrera VP, Maunsell JHR. Motion processing in macaque V4. Nature Neuroscience 2005 Sep; 8(9):1125;1125. PMID:16127440.
Using neuronal latency to determine sensory-motor processing pathways in reaction time tasks.
DiCarlo JJ, Maunsell JHR. Using neuronal latency to determine sensory-motor processing pathways in reaction time tasks. Journal of Neurophysiology 2005 May; 93(5):2974-86. PMID:15548629.
Attentional modulation of motion integration of individual neurons in the middle temporal visual area.
Cook EP, Maunsell JHR. Attentional modulation of motion integration of individual neurons in the middle temporal visual area. Journal of Neuroscience 2004 Sep 08; 24(36):7964-77. PMID:15356211.
Neuronal representations of cognitive state: reward or attention?
Maunsell JHR. Neuronal representations of cognitive state: reward or attention? Trends in Cognitive Science 2004 Jun; 8(6):261-5. PMID:15165551.
The effect of perceptual learning on neuronal responses in monkey visual area V4.
Yang T, Maunsell JHR. The effect of perceptual learning on neuronal responses in monkey visual area V4. Journal of Neuroscience 2004 Feb 18; 24(7):1617-26. PMID:14973244.
Anterior inferotemporal neurons of monkeys engaged in object recognition can be highly sensitive to object retinal position.
DiCarlo JJ, Maunsell JHR. Anterior inferotemporal neurons of monkeys engaged in object recognition can be highly sensitive to object retinal position. Journal of Neurophysiology 2003 Jun; 89(6):3264-78. PMID:12783959.
Attentional modulation in visual cortex depends on task timing.
Ghose GM, Maunsell JHR. Attentional modulation in visual cortex depends on task timing. Nature 2002 Oct 10; 419(6907):616-20. PMID:12374979.
Dynamics of neuronal responses in macaque MT and VIP during motion detection.
Cook EP, Maunsell JHR. Dynamics of neuronal responses in macaque MT and VIP during motion detection. Nature Neuroscience 2002 Oct; 5(10):985-94. PMID:12244324.
The role of attention in visual processing.
Maunsell JH, Cook EP. The role of attention in visual processing. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2002 Aug 29; 357(1424):1063-72. PMID:12217174.
Physiological correlates of perceptual learning in monkey V1 and V2.
Ghose GM, Yang T, Maunsell JHR. Physiological correlates of perceptual learning in monkey V1 and V2. Journal of Neurophysiology 2002 Apr; 87(4):1867-88. PMID:11929908.
Attentional modulation of behavioral performance and neuronal responses in middle temporal and ventral intraparietal areas of macaque monkey.
Cook EP, Maunsell JHR. Attentional modulation of behavioral performance and neuronal responses in middle temporal and ventral intraparietal areas of macaque monkey. Journal of Neuroscience 2002 Mar 01; 22(5):1994-2004. PMID:11880530.
Form representation in monkey inferotemporal cortex is virtually unaltered by free viewing.
DiCarlo JJ, Maunsell JHR. Form representation in monkey inferotemporal cortex is virtually unaltered by free viewing. Nature Neuroscience 2000 Aug; 3(8):814-21. PMID:10903575.
Attention to both space and feature modulates neuronal responses in macaque area V4.
McAdams CJ, Maunsell JHR. Attention to both space and feature modulates neuronal responses in macaque area V4. Journal of Neurophysiology 2000 Mar; 83(3):1751-5. PMID:10712494.
Specialized representations in visual cortex: a role for binding?
Ghose GM, Maunsell J. Specialized representations in visual cortex: a role for binding? Neuron 1999 Sep; 24(1):79-85, 111-25. PMID:10677028.
Effects of attention on the processing of motion in macaque middle temporal and medial superior temporal visual cortical areas.
Treue S, Maunsell JHR. Effects of attention on the processing of motion in macaque middle temporal and medial superior temporal visual cortical areas. Journal of Neuroscience 1999 Sep 01; 19(17):7591-602. PMID:10460265.
Effects of attention on the reliability of individual neurons in monkey visual cortex.
McAdams CJ, Maunsell JHR. Effects of attention on the reliability of individual neurons in monkey visual cortex. Neuron 1999 Aug; 23(4):765-73. PMID:10482242.
Effects of attention on orientation-tuning functions of single neurons in macaque cortical area V4.
McAdams CJ, Maunsell JHR. Effects of attention on orientation-tuning functions of single neurons in macaque cortical area V4. Journal of Neuroscience 1999 Jan 01; 19(1):431-41. PMID:9870971.
Visual response latencies of magnocellular and parvocellular LGN neurons in macaque monkeys.
Maunsell JH, Ghose GM, Assad JA, McAdams CJ, Boudreau CE, Noerager BD. Visual response latencies of magnocellular and parvocellular LGN neurons in macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience 1999 Jan-Feb; 16(1):1-14. PMID:10022474.
Shape selectivity in primate lateral intraparietal cortex.
Sereno AB, Maunsell JHR. Shape selectivity in primate lateral intraparietal cortex. Nature 1998 Oct 01; 395(6701):500-3. PMID:9774105.
Sensory modality specificity of neural activity related to memory in visual cortex.
Gibson JR, Maunsell JHR. Sensory modality specificity of neural activity related to memory in visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 1997 Sep; 78(3):1263-75. PMID:9310418.
On the relationship between synaptic input and spike output jitter in individual neurons.
Marsálek P, Koch C, Maunsell J. On the relationship between synaptic input and spike output jitter in individual neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 1997 Jan 21; 94(2):735-40. PMID:9012854.
Attentional modulation of visual motion processing in cortical areas MT and MST.
Treue S, Maunsell JHR. Attentional modulation of visual motion processing in cortical areas MT and MST. Nature 1996 Aug 08; 382(6591):539-41. PMID:8700227.
No binocular rivalry in the LGN of alert macaque monkeys.
Lehky SR, Maunsell JHR. No binocular rivalry in the LGN of alert macaque monkeys. Vision Research 1996 May; 36(9):1225-34. PMID:8711902.
The brain's visual world: representation of visual targets in cerebral cortex.
Maunsell JHR. The brain's visual world: representation of visual targets in cerebral cortex. Science 1995 Nov 03; 270(5237):764-9. PMID:7481763.
Neuronal correlates of inferred motion in primate posterior parietal cortex.
Assad JA, Maunsell JHR. Neuronal correlates of inferred motion in primate posterior parietal cortex. Nature 1995 Feb 09; 373(6514):518-21. PMID:7845463.
Responses of neurons in the parietal and temporal visual pathways during a motion task.
Ferrera VP, Rudolph KK, Maunsell JHR. Responses of neurons in the parietal and temporal visual pathways during a motion task. Journal of Neuroscience 1994 Oct; 14(10):6171-86. PMID:7931571.
Responses in macaque visual area V4 following inactivation of the parvocellular and magnocellular LGN pathways.
Ferrera VP, Nealey TA, Maunsell JHR. Responses in macaque visual area V4 following inactivation of the parvocellular and magnocellular LGN pathways. Journal of Neuroscience 1994 Apr; 14(4):2080-8. PMID:8158258.
Magnocellular and parvocellular contributions to the responses of neurons in macaque striate cortex.
Nealey TA, Maunsell JHR. Magnocellular and parvocellular contributions to the responses of neurons in macaque striate cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 1994 Apr; 14(4):2069-79. PMID:8158257.
Magnocellular or parvocellular lesions in the lateral geniculate nucleus of monkeys cause minor deficits of smooth pursuit eye movements.
Page WK, King WM, Merigan W, Maunsell J. Magnocellular or parvocellular lesions in the lateral geniculate nucleus of monkeys cause minor deficits of smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology 1994 Jan; 34(2):223-39. PMID:8116282.
Visual effects of lesions of cortical area V2 in macaques.
Merigan WH, Nealey TA, Maunsell JHR. Visual effects of lesions of cortical area V2 in macaques. Journal of Neuroscience 1993 Jul; 13(7):3180-91. PMID:8331392.
How parallel are the primate visual pathways?
Merigan WH, Maunsell JHR. How parallel are the primate visual pathways? Annual Review of Neuroscience 1993; 16:369-402. PMID:8460898.
Spatiotemporal sensitivity following lesions of area 18 in the cat.
Pasternak T, Maunsell JHR. Spatiotemporal sensitivity following lesions of area 18 in the cat. Journal of Neuroscience 1992 Nov; 12(11):4521-9. PMID:1432108.
Visual response latencies in striate cortex of the macaque monkey.
Maunsell JH, Gibson JR. Visual response latencies in striate cortex of the macaque monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 1992 Oct; 68(4):1332-44. PMID:1432087.
Mixed parvocellular and magnocellular geniculate signals in visual area V4.
Ferrera VP, Nealey TA, Maunsell JHR. Mixed parvocellular and magnocellular geniculate signals in visual area V4. Nature 1992 Aug 27; 358(6389):756-61. PMID:1508271.
Functional visual streams.
Maunsell JHR. Functional visual streams. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1992 Aug; 2(4):506-10. PMID:1525550.
Extraretinal representations in area V4 in the macaque monkey.
Maunsell JH, Sclar G, Nealey TA, DePriest DD. Extraretinal representations in area V4 in the macaque monkey. Visual Neuroscience 1991 Dec; 7(6):561-73. PMID:1772806.
Does primate motion perception depend on the magnocellular pathway?
Merigan WH, Byrne CE, Maunsell JHR. Does primate motion perception depend on the magnocellular pathway? Journal of Neuroscience 1991 Nov; 11(11):3422-9. PMID:1941091.
The effects of parvocellular lateral geniculate lesions on the acuity and contrast sensitivity of macaque monkeys.
Merigan WH, Katz LM, Maunsell JHR. The effects of parvocellular lateral geniculate lesions on the acuity and contrast sensitivity of macaque monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience 1991 Apr; 11(4):994-1001. PMID:2010820.
Magnocellular and parvocellular contributions to responses in the middle temporal visual area (MT) of the macaque monkey.
Maunsell JH, Nealey TA, DePriest DD. Magnocellular and parvocellular contributions to responses in the middle temporal visual area (MT) of the macaque monkey. Journal of Neuroscience 1990 Oct; 10(10):3323-34. PMID:2213142.
Macaque vision after magnocellular lateral geniculate lesions.
Merigan WH, Maunsell JHR. Macaque vision after magnocellular lateral geniculate lesions. Visual Neuroscience 1990 Oct; 5(4):347-52. PMID:2265149.
Coding of image contrast in central visual pathways of the macaque monkey.
Sclar G, Maunsell JH, Lennie P. Coding of image contrast in central visual pathways of the macaque monkey. Vision Research 1990; 30(1):1-10. PMID:2321355.
Deficits in speed discrimination following lesions of the lateral suprasylvian cortex in the cat.
Pasternak T, Horn KM, Maunsell JHR. Deficits in speed discrimination following lesions of the lateral suprasylvian cortex in the cat. Visual Neuroscience 1989 Oct; 3(4):365-75. PMID:2487113.
Representation of three-dimensional visual space in the cerebral cortex.
Maunsell JHR. Representation of three-dimensional visual space in the cerebral cortex. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 1988 Apr; 66(4):478-87. PMID:3048615.
State dependent activity in monkey visual cortex. II. Retinal and extraretinal factors in V4.
Haenny PE, Maunsell JH, Schiller PH. State dependent activity in monkey visual cortex. II. Retinal and extraretinal factors in V4. Experimental Brain Research 1988; 69(2):245-59. PMID:3345806.
Topographic organization of the middle temporal visual area in the macaque monkey: representational biases and the relationship to callosal connections and myeloarchitectonic boundaries.
Maunsell JH, Van Essen DC. Topographic organization of the middle temporal visual area in the macaque monkey: representational biases and the relationship to callosal connections and myeloarchitectonic boundaries. Journal of Comparative Neurology 1987 Dec 22; 266(4):535-55. PMID:2449473.
The effect of frontal eye field and superior colliculus lesions on saccadic latencies in the rhesus monkey.
Schiller PH, Sandell JH, Maunsell JHR. The effect of frontal eye field and superior colliculus lesions on saccadic latencies in the rhesus monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 1987 Apr; 57(4):1033-49. PMID:3585453.
Visual processing in monkey extrastriate cortex.
Maunsell JH, Newsome WT. Visual processing in monkey extrastriate cortex. Annual Review of Neuroscience 1987; 10:363-401. PMID:3105414.
Ventral posterior visual area of the macaque: visual topography and areal boundaries
Newsome WT, Maunsell JH, Van Essen DC. Ventral posterior visual area of the macaque: visual topography and areal boundaries. Journal of Comparative Neurology1986 Oct 08; 252(2):139-53. PMID:3782504.
Functions of the ON and OFF channels of the visual system.
Schiller PH, Sandell JH, Maunsell JHR. Functions of the ON and OFF channels of the visual system. Nature 1986 Aug 28-Sep 3; 322(6082):824-5. PMID:3748169.
The projections from striate cortex (V1) to areas V2 and V3 in the macaque monkey: asymmetries, areal boundaries, and patchy connections.
Van Essen DC, Newsome WT, Maunsell JHR, Bixby JL. The projections from striate cortex (V1) to areas V2 and V3 in the macaque monkey: asymmetries, areal boundaries, and patchy connections. Journal of Comparative Neurology 1986 Feb 22; 244(4):451-80. PMID:3958238.
The visual field representation in striate cortex of the macaque monkey: asymmetries, anisotropies, and individual variability.
Van Essen DC, Newsome WT, Maunsell JHR. The visual field representation in striate cortex of the macaque monkey: asymmetries, anisotropies, and individual variability. Vision Research 1984; 24(5):429-48. PMID:6740964.
The connections of the middle temporal visual area (MT) and their relationship to a cortical hierarchy in the macaque monkey.
Maunsell JHR, Van Essen DC. The connections of the middle temporal visual area (MT) and their relationship to a cortical hierarchy in the macaque monkey. Journal of Neuroscience 1983 Dec; 3(12):2563-86. PMID:6655500.
Functional properties of neurons in middle temporal visual area of the macaque monkey. I. Selectivity for stimulus direction, speed, and orientation.
Maunsell JHR, Van Essen DC. Functional properties of neurons in middle temporal visual area of the macaque monkey. I. Selectivity for stimulus direction, speed, and orientation. Journal of Neurophysiology 1983 May; 49(5):1127-47. PMID:6864242.
Functional properties of neurons in middle temporal visual area of the macaque monkey. II. Binocular interactions and sensitivity to binocular disparity.
Maunsell JHR, Van Essen DC. Functional properties of neurons in middle temporal visual area of the macaque monkey. II. Binocular interactions and sensitivity to binocular disparity. Journal of Neurophysiology 1983 May; 49(5):1148-67. PMID:6864243.
The middle temporal visual area in the macaque: myeloarchitecture, connections, functional properties and topographic organization.
Van Essen DC, Maunsell JHR, Bixby JL. The middle temporal visual area in the macaque: myeloarchitecture, connections, functional properties and topographic organization. Journal of Comparative Neurology 1981 Jul 01; 199(3):293-326. PMID:7263951.
Effects of motor unit size on innervation patterns in neonatal mammals.
Bixby JL, Maunsell JHR, Van Essen DC. Effects of motor unit size on innervation patterns in neonatal mammals. Experimental Neurology 1980 Dec; 70(3):516-24. PMID:6160045.
Two-dimensional maps of the cerebral cortex.
Van Essen DC, Maunsell JHR. Two-dimensional maps of the cerebral cortex. Journal of Comparative Neurology 1980 May 15; 191(2):255-81 PMID:7410593